An Interim Governance Group has been formed who are developing long-term outcomes focused on ways of using the site. This is a collaborative group of Hāto Petera whānau and representatives of the Catholic Diocese of Auckland.
Tu Williams facilitated a kanohi ki te kanohi hui of this group in April. At that hui it was agreed that as a first step we would develop a concept design for a Hāto Petera Precinct Plan. This will provide a top-level site plan for the repurposing and development of the precinct and is likely to include vocational training, student/whānau housing and support in a culturally appropriate setting for rangatahi and their whānau. This plan will be used for consulting with the wider stakeholder group. A brief has been developed and sent to a number of architects who have expressed an interest in developing a precinct plan. Find out more by reading our FAQ.
A hui-a-whānau is planned for the afternoon of Saturday, 15 July, at Hāto Petera. More details will be published on this website when confirmed. Mark your diaries – we hope to see you there!