“Ka mea tōna ariki ki a ia, ‘Pai rawa, e te pononga pai, e te pononga pono! Pono tonu tau mahi ki ngā mea ruarua, māku koe e mea hei rangatira mō ngā mea maha: uru mai koe ki te hari o tou ariki!’” Matiu 25:23
Kua karangahia e te ariki i tēnei pononga pai; tēnei pononga pono i te pō o te Rātapu te 6 o Ākuhata 2023.
He momo kuia pērā i a whaea Leonie, horekau e kitea anō. He kuia i aroha ki te kura o Hāto Pētera, i kaha tautoko i nga tini kaupapa o te kura mō ngā tau maha. He kuia nāna i akiaki ngā rangatahi Māori katoa kia whai mātauranga.
Ka whakaritea e tōna whānau i ēnei ahuatanga mō tana haerenga whakamutunga: Hei te Wēnerei 9 o Ākuhata, ka haere a whaea Leonie ki te Marae o Pehiāweri mō te pō kōtahi. Hei te atatū o te Taite, te rā 10 o Ākuhata ka haere a whaea Leonie ki Marae o Pākanae, ki te taha o te Pā o Whiria, te paiaka o te riri, te kawa o Rāhiri. Ko te rā nehu, ko te Paraire 11 o Ākuhata.
Ahakoa pōuri ana mātou i tōna wehenga atu, ko te tūmanako kia hari tonu a ia i te haringa mau tonu, i te kainga o te Matua Nui i te Rangi, ko te kāinga i ngākaunuitia nei e ia hei nohoanga mōna.
Nō reira e te Ariki hoatu ki a ia te okiokinga tonutanga… ā kia whiti ki a ia te māramatanga mutunga kore. Kia okioki ia i runga i te rangimārie. Āmene.
“The master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” Matthew 25:23
The master called this good and faithful servant on Sunday evening of August 6th, 2023
A kuia such as whaea Leonie will never be seen again. She loved the College of Hāto Petera and was an ardent supporter of the school over many years. Whaea Leonie always encouraged Māori, particularly young Māori to pursue education.
Whaea Leonie’s whānau have decided that her final journey, which began at Whaiora Marae in Ōtara will then move to Pehiāweri Marae on Wednesday 9 August for one night, then on to Pākanae Marae where the Requiem Mass and burial is anticipated on Friday 11 August.
Although we are deeply saddened by whaea’s passing, our hope is that she will enjoy everlasting happiness in the house of the Father in heaven, the home where she has always longed to dwell.
Eternal rest grant to her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen