Ka tanuku e! Ka tanuku e!
E kapo ki te whetū, e kapo ki te marama!
E kapo ki te ata o te raukura kua riro.
E te pou o te Hāhi, te Waka o Pētera.
Te mūrau a te tini, te wenerau a te mano.
E te Rangatira e Pauro, haere atu rā.
Today (22/08/23) our much loved and esteemed kaumātua, Pauro Richard Kanara will be laid to rest, reunited again with his beloved Kataraina. Uncle Pauro and Aunty Kataraina were familiar faces at the many hui around the country. They were tireless in their support of Hāto Petera College and all the many kaupapa connected to the kura. They have played a huge role in shaping a multitude of young men and women who have gone on to excel in various fields.
It was strange seeing uncle without aunty at hui since she passed. Now it will be stranger still, when the uncle Paoro’s familiar presence will no longer be seen on our taumata. We are all indebted to them both for their guidance, their wisdom and their unfailing love. We were honoured to have Uncle Pauro lay in Te Kamaka for a time as he made his way back to Motutī and then finally to Taiao Marae in Pawarenga.
E te Ariki hoatu ki to pononga, a Pauro te okiokinga tonutanga. Ā kia whiti ki a ia te māramatanga mutunga kore.