Before Dawn we gathered on Monday 24 June. We were blessed with a welcome to Te Kamaka Marae by Dr Pouroto Ngaropo, led in karakia by Matua Manuel Beazley. We remembered and acknowledged those who have passed in the previous year, we acknowledged a new year, new growth and new pathways.
It was a chilly morning so we were pleased to join in hot soup and hot beverages at the completion of the ceremony. Join us for workshops on Tuesday 25 June and Wednesday 3 July from 10am to 2.00pm.
Matariki a nuku
Matariki a rangi
Matariki Toi Ora
Ui e Taiki e!
Matariki be bound to energy
Matariki be bound to the sky
let it get new life
as we move forward in the new year,
it is done!