Te Rōpū Whakahaere o nāianei - Interim Governance Group

Robert “Bobby” Newson
Tao Maui te Hapu. Te Rarawa te Iwi
Bobby attended Hāto Petera College in the early 1960’s and after leaving school embarked on a wide and varied career spanning over 50 years which included the Ministry of Māori Affairs, the NZ Army, the NZ Police, the NZ Human Rights Commission and driving trucks, buses and taxis for good measure.
Currently Bobby is Auckland Museum's Tumu Here Iwi Relationships Manager. Bobby is also a member of the Hāto Petera Kaumātua Rōpū. Bobby is married to Gemma, has three children and four mokopuna.

Geremy Hema
Ngāti Paoa, Te Rarawa
Geremy Hema (B.Sc, LLB, admitted barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand) works at Waipapa Taumata Rau – The University of Auckland. Through his father Geremy affiliates strongly with Motuti, Hokianga. He was a long time driver for the late Pā Henare Tate. Geremy is a proud tauira tawhito of Hato Pētera.

Helen Te Hira
Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa,Te Aupouri,Ngāti Whātua ki Kaipara
Tēnā koutou katoa, I am like many whānau affiliated to Hato Petera who have had several generations connected to the school - we care and wonder what is it that we can do to help. My time at the College instilled a deep appreciation for the values that drive Te Waka o Hato Petera which continues to inform my life today. I enjoy facilitating partnerships between institutions and communities and hope my experience will be of some help and service towards steering a new future for Hato Petera.

James van Schie - Chair Person
James is responsible for administering the affairs, assets and finances of the Diocese in collaboration with the Bishop and the Bishop’s Advisory bodies. James is committed to working with Hāto Petera whānau representatives to repurpose the Hāto Petera site in the spirit of the Crown grant.

Dr Lance O'Sullivan
Dr Lance O’Sullivan is a proud old boy of Hato Petera College and is passionate about supporting exploring what the next chapter for this very important institution looks like.
Lance graduated from Hato Petera College in 1990 and believes that his time there were the most enjoyable of his life. His journey to success started in the halls and on the fields at 103 College Road, Northcote. Here he was exposed to proud Maori leaders like Sir Toby Curtis and Lang Davis who helped to shaped his sense of what it was to be a Maori man in Aotearoa. He developed a lifelong brotherhood that exists among every generation of young men and women who went to Hato Petera. “There is a continued place for Hato Petera and what that looks like needs to be discovered”

Manuel Beazley
Ngāi Tupoto, Te Rarawa; Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Kaharau, Ngāpuhi.
Manuel was appointed as Vicar for Māori for the diocese of Auckland in 2020. As Vicar for Māori, Manuel works with the Bishop, Priests, Katekita and leaders of the diocese to minister to the 23 Māori Catholic communities in the diocese. Manuel is the Auckland delegate on the newly formed group of Māori representatives that sits with the New Zealand Catholic Bishops at their Conference meetings.

Michael Shanahan
Michael is a corporate/commercial lawyer and a partner at Tompkins Wake. Michael has over twenty years’ legal experience across a wide range of industries and disciplines. He has worked with leading national and international firms in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Dr Pouroto Ngaropō, MNZM, JP
Te Tawera Hapū, Iramoko Marae, Ngāti Awa ki Te Awa O Te Atua
Pouroto Ngaropō is a Senior Cultural Advisor. He is a Teacher, Lecturer, Project Management, Senior Cultural Advisor, Senior Executive Member, Current Chairman of 19 Boards, Representation at Iwi, Hapu, Regional, National and International Level. He is Chairman of Te Kamaka Hato Petera Marae.