Ngā Kaupapa nui o te wā - News and Events
Pouroto had the honour of serving as the head judge, which creatively integrated Catholic and Māori elements in speeches by students from Catholic Secondary Schools across Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. This event highlights the potential for closer ties with our Katorika schools. Pouroto was well received and saw an excellent calibre of young speakers of delivery speeches in English, Te Reo Māori and Katorika Haahi. This was awesome sight to see amongst our schools. All Catholic Colleges were represented.
Congratulations to all the winners.
On Saturday a third hui-a-whānau was held at Hāto Petera in Northcote to update Hāto Petera whanau and local communities on feedback from the November hui. We took the opportunity to walk the whenua. The group photo taken below is on the location where the Interim Governance Group are proposing some type of conference or retreat centre. Thanks to those who attended. For slides from the hui or to find out more about the proposed repurposing go to:
Transformation Academy occupy the buildings at 88 College Road. They believe in fun, in creativity but most importantly, they believe in transformation. Anyone, no matter where they’re from, their living conditions or how they grew up can change. Their mission is to trigger and facilitate the process and journey of Transformation.
Through education, they target transformation to success in the mindset, attitudes and habits of individuals. They facilitate learning and embed the tools to lead a purposeful life bringing positive transformation to their own spheres. Check out their 2023 Annual Report here.
A first step towards protecting wildlife from introduced animal pests, is to gather a baseline of what is presently there and where. Should future predator control be put in place, it’s important to have a stake in the ground as to what pest levels were like before starting work. It’s a tool to help in the journey towards restoring the mauri and mana of te taiao.
After discussions with Dr Pouroto Ngaropō and Mereana Hona a plan is developing to monitor Hāto Petera grounds, completed in some form alongside the wider Hāto Petera whanau in 2024. Watch for an invitation to be part of this initiative in the coming weeks. More information can be found here.
For bookings or enquiries about using Te Kamaka Marae please contact Mereana Hona on 022 462 4318.
Last week members of the Hāto Petera Interim Governance Group met for their first hui of 2024. Following the hui they gathered with Bishop Steve Lowe and members of the Hāto Petera Interim Governance Group for an informal BBQ at Pompallier Diocesan Centre.
In this last pānui for 2023:
- Proposed repurposing of Hāto Petera Site – click here for more information including a video and a response form. We have extended the deadline for responses in this initial consultation period to 19 January so please do share your ideas and any concerns.
- Te Kamaka Marae Update – be sure to read all that is happening at Hāto Petera
- Hui-a-Whānau Invitation for Sunday 9 March from 3-5pm – be sure to put this on your calendar now
- New life at K1 – we have had an expression of interest for K1 – any other expressions of interest are welcome by Friday 19 January.
- 2024 dates for Miha @ Hāto Petera
Click here to read the pānui.
Thanks to all those who were able to attend the Hui-ā-Whānau at Hāto Petera Marae on Saturday 11 November. At that hui there were presentations on the draft proposed repurposing of the Hāto Petera site. We invite your ideas and feedback during the initial consultation period, which closes on 16 December. Check out our About page here and a short video presentation introduced by Bobby Newson, followed by Rau Hoskins, Architect of Design Tribe speaking about the proposed plan. Click here to share your ideas and feedback.
Thank you to those who joined our Hui-ā-Whānau/community update on Saturday 11 November. This was an opportunity to update the wider Hāto Petera whanau and the North Shore community on an idea for the future. A copy of the participant handout and slides presented at the hui can be found here.
We are keen to hear your response. You can email your feedback to Teresa or complete an online survey form here.
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